Useful Websites
- ChildLine
Phone: 0800 11 11 - Young Minds
- Shout
Crisis support – text MEDWAY to 85258 - Samaritans
Phone: 116 123 - Mood Juice
- Heads Together
- The Mix
- Hopeline
Suicide prevention – text: 0800 068 4141 (9am – midnight)
Text: 07860 039 967
Email: - Be You Project
LGBTQ+ Support - Chat Health
Phone: 07480 635786 chat to a School Nurse - Stonewall
LGBTQ+ Support - Mermaids
Phone: 0808 801 0400 (Mon – Fri 9am-9pm) - Kooth
Online emotional support and counselling
Useful Apps
General Support
- Moodspark
- Mindshift
- Wellmind
- Cove: Music – Create and Express Yourself
Stress / Anxiety Support
- Chill Panda
- Headspace
- Clear Fear
Self-Harm Support
- Calm Harm
- Blue Ice
Useful Websites
- ChildLine
Phone: 0800 11 11 - Young Minds
- Shout
Crisis support – text MEDWAY to 85258 - Samaritans
Phone: 116 123 - Mood Juice
- Heads Together
- The Mix
- Hopeline
Suicide prevention – text: 0800 068 4141 (9am – midnight)
Text: 07860 039 967
Email: - Be You Project
LGBTQ+ Support - Chat Health
Phone: 07480 635786 chat to a School Nurse
- Stonewall
LGBTQ+ Support - Mermaids
Phone: 0808 801 0400 (Mon-Fri 9am-9pm) - One You Kent
Smoking Support
Text: QUIT to 87023
Phone: 0300 123 1220
Email: - Big Deal Gambling
Phone: 0808 8020 133 - Open Road
Drug, Alcohol and Steroid Addiction Support
Phone: 01634 566285 (Mon-Fri 9am-5.30pm) - Sexual Health
Phone: 0300 12301678 (in Clover Street, Chatham)
Useful Apps
General Support
- Moodspark
- Mindshift
- Wellmind
- Cove: Music – Create and Express Yourself
Stress / Anxiety Support
- Chill Panda
- Headspace
- Clear Fear
Self-Harm Support
- Calm Harm
- Blue Ice
Every day, members of the inclusions team offer a drop-in service. This provides students a safe place to discuss any worries they may have regarding their emotional wellbeing.
- Lara from Mind
Next to the counselling room - Paula Johnson
In the Counsellor’s room
- Miss Irvine
In the Wellbeing Room by Athena College
- Paula Johnson
In the Counsellor’s Room
- Miss Irvine
In the Wellbeing Room by Athena College
- Mrs Walsh
In The Apollo Room, opposite the Library
(first lunch only)
The Inclusions Team are introducing wellbeing post boxes, which will be located in 5 areas:
- Athena College Office
- Forseti College Office
- Neptune College Office
- Safeguarding Office
If you are in need of support, help yourself to a form, complete it, explaining your worries and why you would like support, and pop it in the postbox.
Postboxes are checked daily between 11am – 2pm.
If you are in need of immediate assistance, please seek support from your college office.
Throughout Term 3, you will begin to notice a number of Wellbeing boards introduced across the Academy site, on these you will find the following information:
- wellbeing support map
- school nurse
- safeguarding team
- wellbeing team
- drop-in services within school
- a list of apps, websites and numbers you can use to get support outside of school

We have introduced a new way to report a welfare concern directly to the safeguarding team, by using the tab on your homepage.
This will only be monitored during school hours. If you require support outside of school hours, tell a trusted adult, access ChildLine, or in emergencies, call 999.

What should you do?
Click on the links below to view our safeguarding information and find out how to get help or help someone else in need.