Our Expectations

  1. Eat breakfast
  2. Make sure that all Independent Study is complete
  3. Pack their bag with the following items:
  • Current reading book
  • Fully charged chromebook in a suitable carry case
  • Books/folders for that day
  • PE Kit if required
  • 1 x water bottle – full
  • 1 x clear pencil case with the following contents:
    • 2 x black or blue writing pens, 2 x red writing pen
    • 2 x highlighter pens
    • 2 x sharpened pencils
    • 1 x rubber
    • 1 x 12 inch ruler
    • 1 x scientific calculator
    • 1 x protractor
    • White eraser fluid is not permitted at the Academy

Start of the Day
The Academy day starts at 8.25am and we expect pupils to be through the gate and on their way to their Period 1 lesson by 8.25am when the pip for Period 1 sounds.Pupils will have equipment and uniform checks each morning by Period 1 Teachers to ensure they are ready to learn. The Academy gates will be open to
pupils from 7.45am onwards. Pupils will be able to access the Dining Hall and toilets from 8-8.25am when they are supervised by staff in order to get breakfast if they have not already eaten, and prepare for the day.  Pupils should arrive in plenty of time and should arrive by at least 8:20am. If there is a valid reason for lateness then parents should contact the Academy. If a pupil arrives late they will be given a late slip which should be returned to the staff member when the pupil arrives at their detention.

Morning Standards Checks
The morning pips sound at 8.20am and pupils will be expected to be in their Period 1 class by 8:30am.  Teachers will greet their class and conduct a daily check to ensure that their pupils are ready for learning. Any equipment and uniform violations will be swiftly identified and addressed in order to remove barriers to learning before pupils start their learning. (see Uniform and Equipment Policy).

Transition to Lessons
Pupils are expected to walk in an orderly fashion to their lessons. As pupils move around the Academy between lessons and social times they will be expected to model the behaviours outlined in the Pupil Code of Conduct agreement at all times and will be sanctioned appropriately if they fail to do so (See Behaviour and Attitudes Policy).

Break and Lunchtimes
Pupils can access their designated outdoor area and dining hall during break and lunchtimes. Food bought from the Cucina restaurant must be consumed in the dining hall. Pupils can choose to bring packed lunches if they do not wish to buy food, however any food and drink brought on to the site must be appropriate.

Break time areas:

  • Year 7 – Social Space
  • Year 8 – Humanities (history) and playground
  • Year 9 – Humanities (geography) and playground
  • Year 10 – English area
  • Year 11 – Maths block and picnic area
  • Sixth Form – Sixth Form Social Space

Lunch time areas and times:

  • Neptune – Humanities
  • Athena –  Social Space
  • Forseti – Social Space
  • Sixth Form – Sixth Form Social Space or Canteen

Lunch 1




Sixth Form





Lunch 2




Sixth Form





The Cucina restaurant runs a cashless system for purchasing food via ParentPay (see Section 13.4 ParentPay). Pupils’ biometric fingerprint will be used to pay for food and drinks from their personal account, which is topped up by parents using the secure online system. Note: Year 7-11 pupils are not permitted to use their phones and apple pay to purchase food and drink. If a pupil has access to Free School Meals their account will be pre-loaded (see Pupil Premium and Free School Meals). It is each pupil’s responsibility to ensure that their behaviours fall in line with the Pupil Code of Conduct agreement and in particular that they:

  • Use the toilet (pupils are not expected to routinely use the toilet during lessons after break or lunch (Period 1, 3 or 5)
  • Eat and drink to ensure they are replenished for learning. Pupils purchasing food should eat this in the canteen.
  • Remain seated while eating and speak with respect and appropriate level.
  • Put all their litter in the bin and hold their peers to account if they fail to do so.
  • Raise any concerns to members of staff or enquiries to the College office as it is not appropriate to miss lesson time to do so.
  • Stay in the designated areas or they will be sanctioned for being out of bounds. Pupils should only go to the canteen if purchasing food and drink to ensure adequate seating space.

Lessons end at 2.55pm and pupils will be dismissed by their period 5 teachers. There will be a staggered dismissal based on their method of transport, including bus routes that have arrived to collect pupils. Period 5 teachers will inform/ remind pupils if they have a detention and where they need to report to based on whether it is a subject or pastoral detention. All Academy detentions are conducted after school, not during social times, with a start time of 3pm (2pm on a Wednesday) (see Behaviour and Attitudes Policy).

Following staggered dismissal at the end of the day, pupils are expected to leave the Academy site immediately unless they are attending after school activities and clubs, with staff supervising their dismissal from site by 3pm (2pm Wednesday). For the safety of pupils and consideration of local residents, any
pupils who attempt to congregate outside the Academy gates following the end of day dismissal will be immediately moved on by staff so that the access to the site is clear.

Pupils should make their way home after school and should not congregate at the local shops or parks whilst in school uniform, unless they are with their parents/carers.

  • Pupils will only be allowed in the designated and supervised areas. All other internal areas will be out of bounds to pupils. This includes the outside gym.If you are in an out of bound area you will receive a 50 minute detention for the first instance followed by 3-4.30pm detentions.
  • You are not permitted to move between year/college areas.
  • Packed lunches are permitted to be eaten in the college areas 
  • At the end of each break/lunch the area will be left clean and tidy. 
  • Pupils are not permitted to walk site eating or drinking.
  • Pupils will be able to participate in organised activities during lunchtime.