Term 1
Healthy Minds lesson 1
To identify what is meant by healthy minds and self-talk
Feelings and emotions
To examine links between thoughts and feelings
Different thinking styles
To understand the different types of mindset that people have and how Self-talk affects these.
Looking for evidence
To examine how to avoid jumping to conclusions
The file game
To find evidence to challenge negative thoughts
Term 2
To develop assertive behaviour in difficult situations
To practice the skills of negotiation
Coping Strategies
To practice coping strategies for when we feel extreme anger or sadness
Solving Dilemmas
To use problem-solving skills to solve dilemmas
Visualised Relaxation
To try visualisation techniques as a method of supporting challenging emotions
Term 3
Online Bullying
To explore the impact of cyberbullying
Fake Accounts
To analyse the risks associated through ‘catfishing’ and fake accounts
Safer App Use
To identify the safest ways to use online apps
Appropriate Use of Technology
LO/ To identify the laws and consequences of recording violent events
Protecting Yourself Online
To summarise the best ways to stay safe online
Term 6: MYP Unit – Healthy Lifestyles
Healthy Lifestyle Choices
To introduce the healthy lifestyles unit
Healthy Lifestyle Choices (2)
To identify the physical and mental changes that occur during puberty
Healthy Eating and Exercise
To explore the importance of a healthy diet and exercise
The Sleep Factor
To analyse the importance of sleep
To create an informative resource to educate younger pupils on how to stay healthy
Module 2: Drugs and The Law
To examine the effects of alcohol
To examine the risks of tobacco, nicotine and e-cigarettes/vaping
Legal and Prescription Drugs
To examine the safe use of legal drugs
(Energy drinks included)
The effects of illegal drugs
To analyse the effects and dangers of illegal drugs
Drugs and The Law
To identify the laws surrounding illegal drugs
Module 3: MYP Unit – Human Rights
What are Human Rights?
To identify examples of human rights and how they impact people’s lives
To examine the different types of discrimination and the laws related to this
Hate Crime
To explore what is meant by hate crime and the laws surrounding this
Sexuality and Gender Identity
To identify types of sexual orientation and discrimination towards this
To examine cases of racism as discrimination
Module 4: Mental Health
What is Mental Health?
To examine different types of mental health disorder
Emotional Well-being
To explore ways of managing emotions and well-being
To challenge myths and stigma about mental ill health
Online Resilience
To develop online resilience skills
Healthy and Unhealthy Coping Strategies 1 – Self-harm
To examine the dangers and support available for self-harm
Healthy and Unhealthy Coping Strategies 2 – Eating Disorders
To examine the dangers and support available for eating disorders
Module 5: MYP Unit – Crime and Punishment
Introduction to Crime and Punishment
To introduce the unit and examine reasons for crime
Vindication and Protection
To evaluate vindication and protection as aims of punishment
Reformation and Reparation
To evaluate reformation and reparation as aims of punishment
Retribution and Deterrence
To evaluate retribution and deterrence as aims of punishment
Module 6: Risky Behaviours
Online Safety
To identify risks and challenges of online behaviour
Digital reliability/Fake news
To explore the reliability of the media and how to spot fake news
Positive Relationships
To examine what makes a healthy relationship and apply this to various scenarios
To examine the risks and consequences of sexting
Investigating Sexual Offences
To examine case studies of inappropriate behaviours and identify the related crimes
To identify what is meant by FGM and how to access support
Module 1 – Gangs (MYP Unit)
Peer Pressure
To identify what makes a good friend and the consequences of peer pressure
Gangs Project lesson 1
To analyse the risks and legal implications of being in a gang
Gangs Project lesson 2
To further analyse the risks and legal implications of being in a gang
Gangs Project lesson 3
To explore the process of getting out of a gang
Module 3 – Safer Sex
To identify different types of contraception and which is most suitable for specific users
Pregnancy and Miscarriage
To examine healthy pregnancy and miscarriages
To investigate the effects and treatment of STIs
To examine what is meant by consent and the laws surrounding this
First Time Sex
To examine when someone is ready for first time sex (potential outside agency)
Spotting the signs of abuse
To identify the different types of abuse and apply this to scenario examples
Module 4 – Relationships and Families
Types of families
To examine different types of family set up (civil partnership, adoption, fostering)
Divorce and Marriage
To identify reasons for and laws surrounding marriage and divorce (including menopause)
Honour Based Violence
To examine the dangers of honour based violence and forced marriage in The UK
Domestic Abuse
To examine different examples of Domestic Abuse
Relationships for Children
To explore the roles and responsibilities of parents
Healthy Pregnancy
To identify how someone can keep a healthy pregnancy
Module 5 – Risky Behaviours
To analyse the cost of living through budgeting activities (risk of payday loans HW)
Gambling and Addiction
To examine the dangers of gambling and the gambler’s fallacy
To exploring stereotypes and prejudice within society
Hate Crime
To explore what is meant by hate crime and the laws surrounding this
Extremism and Radicalisation
To analyse how to recognize and respond to extremism and radicalisation
Sun Safety
To examine the risks of too much unhealthy sun exposure
Module 6 – Exploitation and Abuse (MYP Unit)
What is exploitation?
To identify what is meant by exploitation and examine case studies from around the world
Sexual Exploitation
To know how to identify signs of exploitation and coercion
Human Trafficking
To explore the process and consequences of Human Trafficking
Modern Day Slavery
To examine examples of modern day slavery
County Lines and Drug Exploitation
To identify how criminal gangs exploit others to commit drug related crimes
Exploitation MYP Assessment
Term 1: Self-worth and Self-image
Body Image
To examine the impacts on body image and self-esteem
Digital Manipulation
To examine how and why photographs are manipulated in the media
To examine the risks and dangers around tattoos
Cosmetic Surgery
To examine the risks and dangers of cosmetic surgery
Term 2: Positive Sexual Behaviours
Healthy Romantic Relationships
To determine what behaviours are appropriate within relationships
To investigate the dangers of pornography
To investigate the joys and challenges of being a parent
Term 5: Knife Crime
#KnifeFree resources lesson 1
To challenge misconceptions around carrying a knife
#KnifeFree resources lesson 2
To explore the consequences of decision-making
Fearless outside agency session
Term 6: Substance Abuse
To examine the risks of vaping
To examine the risks associated to balloons
Social Drugs
To explore the effects of social drug use
Unit 3: Values and Beliefs
- L1. Communicating Personal Values
- L2. Safely challenging prejudice and discrimination
- L3. Extremism and Radicalisation
Unit 4: Relationships
- L1. Consent (the factors which may limit ability to consent)
- L2. Exit strategies for unhealthy relationships
- L3. Spotting the signs of abuse
- L4. Exploitation, assault and rape
- L5. Right in relation to harassment and stalking
Unit 1: Bullying and Conflict Navigation
- Consent and Honour Based Violence
- De-escalating dangerous and confrontational situations
- Manipulation and Exploitation
Unit 2: Choices that impact personal safety
- The impacts of social drugs
- Looking out for friends (drink spiking)
- Drink driving and getting home safely
Unit 3: Mental Wellbeing
- Pressures to conform and body image
- Recognises mental health concerns in self and others
- Maintaining positive mental health strategies and signposting help
Unit 5: Sexual Health
- Contraception choices (making the best choice for personal circumstances)
- Effective condom use and how to access emergency contraception
- Recognising the difference between love and lust
Cybersecurity and data protection
Professional reputation and online presence