Provision Overview
The Hundred of Hoo Academy is a fully inclusive school and follows the inclusive policy of the Leigh Academies Trust and Medway Council.
Inclusion looks at the needs of all pupils; children with learning disabilities such as dyslexia, children who are Gifted and Talented, children who have English as an additional language, children who have issues with their behaviour and children with social and emotional needs.
The Hundred of Hoo Academy also has a special resource provision for children with an EHCP and a primary need of ASD.
The Director of SEND and Inclusion is Mrs S. Sharma.
Special Educational Needs
Children who are seen to have Special Educational Needs will be put on the Code of Practice after an initial review at the Inclusion Meeting with the consent of the parents. The child will then have a Learning Support Plan, which will give them specific targets to work towards. These targets are reviewed every term. Parents and staff will be informed of their child’s targets. The targets are also shared with the children, and they are encouraged to work towards them.
Behaviour, Social and Emotional Needs
Inclusion takes into account all the needs of the children and these include how a child behaves. The Hundred of Hoo Academy promotes an ethos towards positive behaviour management and the children and staff are fully aware and consistently use our ‘C’ system. Children’s social and emotional needs also need to be considered carefully if a child is to reach their full potential. To help us in this The Hundred of Hoo Academy has an onsite Counsellor, Mentor and a Social & Emotional worker who support children across the school in a variety of ways. We run Nurture and Self-esteem groups to support the children. Children are given the opportunity to speak about how they feel and to support each other. These staff members will also support in the classroom where required and is available to those in need, including parents.
More Able
The Hundred of Hoo Academy is keen to promote the learning and skills of children deemed as being More Able whether it be on the academic side or the arts and sports. We have excellent links with local universities and employers and provide a range of opportunities to attend careers and motivational talks as part of our ‘Hoo Aspire’ programme.
Children with English as an Additional Language
The Hundred of Hoo Academy is a multi-ethnic school and promoting equality is one of our highest priorities throughout the whole school. We have high expectations of all our pupils and they should have the opportunities to achieve the highest possible standards as well as helping all children to develop a sense of personal and cultural identity that is confident, open to change, receptive and respectful towards other people. The teaching takes into account pupils’ cultural and religious backgrounds, linguistic needs and varying learning styles. We create an environment where pupils feel safe and feel they can contribute fully, and where all feel respected and valued. Staff are assisted in the classroom to support pupils’ development of their language and learning needs, through termly targets and liaison time with the Inclusion Team.