Safeguarding within the Curriculum

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The intent of the school’s curriculum is to ensure that all pupils are able to amass a sufficiently wide and extensive set of knowledge and skills so that they are suitably prepared both for the next steps of their education and to participate fully in the world in which they live.
To remain safe now, and participate fully and safely in society in the future, we ensure that students are taught about safeguarding, including online safety in our curriculum.

The safeguarding intent of our curriculum is explicitly implemented in ICT, PSHRE Lessons and Additional learning opportunities(Theme of the fortnight, Pupil Matters, Assemblies).  The teaching of safeguarding aims to build appropriate layers and structures of knowledge and skill so that pupils are able to retain and utilise their learning to be safe.

Our preventative safeguarding curriculum is responsive to the needs of our pupils, based on what we hear and see. For instance, 2021-22 saw: the introduction of learning about appropriate behaviour(healthy relationships), the moving of sexting/sexual imagery to Year 8 curriculum ( in relation to concerns managed by the Academy) and greater emphasis on vaping (all years).

The impact of this sequenced safeguarding curriculum will be seen through pupils amassing an extensive body of both knowledge and skills which enable them to be safe and make sensible choices throughout their lives. This is evidenced through a number of measures such as behaviour events, incidence of prejudiced behaviour and sexual harassment, risk concerns raised by staff, referrals to the local authority, and attendance rates. It is also apparent through the culture and lived experience of pupils and staff at the academy, which are determined by our annual external safeguarding review, surveys (of pupils and parents), and our staff surveys.

Safeguarding Curriculum Map Online Safety Curriculum Map