
Phonics at The Hundred of Hoo

At the Hundred of Hoo Academy, we use Phonics International to deliver our phonics curriculum.

It is divided into 12 units which are as follows:

Phonics International - Six Units

Unit 1 to Unit 8 are covered as shown below:


  • Unit 1: s a t i p n ck ck e h r (Modules 1 & 2)
  • Unit 2a: m d g o u l ll f ff ss b j y (Modules 1 & 2)
  • Unit 2+: v w -x z -zz qu ch sh -ng -nk (Modules 3 & 4)
  • Unit 2b: ai ay w oa ow ie igh le o a e i o u y (Modules 3 & 4)
  • Unit 3: ee or z zz wh ea ea se ze (Modules 5 & 6)
  • Unit 4: ng nk v ve oo oo y ey x ch sh th (Modules 5 & 6)

Year 1

  • Unit 5: qu ou ow oi oy ue er ar ce ge se (Module 1)
  • Unit 5+: er ir ur a-e e-e i-e o-e u-e air  -are ear (Module 2)
  • Unit 6 and 6 Extra: c g oe i-e e-e o-a a-e u-e air are  ear ere (Module 3)
  • eer ear ere ier ir ur ear (w)or our si s ge ture x f ph or au aw ie ch ou ew ti ci ssi kn wr mb st (Modules 4-6)

Year 2

  • Unit 7: -le -il -al aw au al oar oor our ch tch ge dge x kn wr mb sc gu bu ch rh
  • Unit 8: sh ch ti ci ssi /zh/ si s z g ge ou ous ph gh ch wa qua war gn st

Unit 9 to Unit 12 are used in Key Stage 2.

More information about Phonics International can be found in the Phonics International – Guidance Book and Phonics International – Brief Overview (linked here).

Government Phonics Screening

Every year, Year 1 pupils undertake a compulsory Phonics Screening to assess their ability to decode real and pseudo (fake) words. It is a national assessment and therefore it is statutory.

One teacher will assess all of our year 1 pupils and the screening is done on a one-to-one basis. The pupils will be presented with one word at a time. This word will either be a real word or an “alien” word and will contain phonemes (sounds) from unit 1 to unit 6 of Phonics International. They are to then successfully segment and blend each word. There are 40 words to be decoded and the children will receive a score for this. The pass mark is unknown until all scores nationally are submitted.

At the Hundred of Hoo Academy, we teach Phonics on a daily basis in EYFS and Key Stage 1.