From September 2020 every child in the Academy from year 7-11 will be loaned a Chromebook to enhance their learning experiences and upskill them for working in a world of technology. Our 1:1 Device Assembly outlines to pupils and parents our expectations regarding the use of these in lessons and how we will be using them in lessons to ensure that pupils have access to an even greater plethora of resources, global contexts and learning tools.
Our Digital Strategy to Enhance Learning
Chromebooks are part of our compulsory ‘equipment toolkit’ that will:
- Enhance your learning
- Enhance the strategies your teacher uses
- Support your home and independent study
- Provide you with resources to catch up on if you are absent from lessons.
Your Chromebook will not:
- replace your exercise books
- replace your opportunities or dedicated time to develop your handwriting skills and freewriting
- replace the teacher as the main point of instruction and support
- replace written exams and milestones
Chromebooks will enhance our pupils learning experiences:
- Every class has a Google Classroom where classwork and home study tasks can be set. This centralises the learning for pupils making resource management simpler and providing a platform pupils can continue to refer back to
- Your teacher may upload resources into your Google Classrooms from your lessons:
- to allow for pre-learning or pre-reading
- to allow you to move at a pace that is appropriate to you
- to allow you to revisit after direct instruction from teacher
- to enable you to revisit at home for homework
- to enable you to revisit when revising or for retention tasks
- You may use electronic textbooks in lessons to reduce paper usage
- Teachers may upload worksheets, tasks, extension tasks, alternative instructions to Google Classroom to enhance learning
- Teachers may provide opportunities for further inquiry based tasks, such as videos, YouTube clips etc and these will be placed in your Google Classroom
- Pupils can move through lessons at a pace more appropriate to them and refer back to materials they used in previous lessons.