We are delighted to be holding our Christmas Lunch alongside Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day on Thursday 7 December 2023.
The lunch will cost £3.50 and includes a cracker and drink. Payment can now be made on ParentPay and must be done separately to the usual lunch top-up. This payment must be made by Friday 1st December so that the kitchen knows how many to cook for.
If your child is in receipt of Free School Meals, they must give their name at the tills by 1st December.
There will be a “Grab & Go” service in the canteen for pupils who do not wish to have Christmas Lunch that day.
Pupils and staff are also invited to wear a Christmas Jumper or accessory on this day too, they must wear full academy uniform alongside their jumper or accessory. The academy proudly supports Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper day every year and a £2 donation can be made on ParentPay.
We look forward to a very festive day with the whole academy community on Thursday 7th December.