Huge congratulations are extended to the Hundred of Hoo 2023 cohort of Year 11 pupils!
The results achieved today are a testament to the hard work of students and teachers across their five years so far at The Hundred of Hoo.
We are incredibly proud of all our students, and look forward to welcoming many back to join us at HOH sixth form.
Of our Year 11 students, over 70 % of students achieved 4 in an English and mathematics GCSE.
The top grade, grade 9 was awarded to Hoo students across art, chemistry, physics, English language and English literature.
Of our health and fitness students, 15% of the cohort attained the highest Distinction* award.
More than 10% of all grades achieved by our students were grade 7-9, and Distinction*.
Amongst the impressive achievements across the year group, there are some stand-out individual successes to be celebrated. These include:
- Chris: Grade 9s in chemistry and physics, 3 grade 8s, a grade 6, a grade 7 and a Distinction;
- Ember: Grade 9s in English and history and grade 8s;
- Oliver: 2 grade 8s, 4 grade 7s and a Distinction;
- Amber: Grade 9s in English language and literature, 2 grade 7s, a grade 6 and a Distinction;
- Laila: 4 grade 7s, 3 grade 6s and a Distinction* in health and fitness;
- Lucy: 6 grade 7s including geography, maths, history and art and 2 grade 6s;
- Taylor: A Distinction* in health and fitness alongside 1 grade 7 and 3 grade 6s; and
- Connor: Grade 9 in history, 2 grade 8s, and a grade 7 and grade 6 alongside a Distinction.
Carl Guerin-Hassett, Principal, stated, ‘We are incredibly proud of the entire community at HOH who have contributed to this outstanding set of results for 2023 Year 11. We are looking forward to continuing to work with many of you as you complete A level and Level 3 study with us’.
We were joined by Pat Sanford, Vice Chair of Governors and Keith Morrison, Chair of Governors to celebrate the success of the cohort.