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Statement of Inquiry

We improve ourselves by choosing to change.

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria

A, C


  • Identify strengths and weaknesses of personal learning strategies (self-assessment)
  • Make inferences and draw conclusions

Links to Prior Learning

Pupils recall and apply fundamental movement skills (FMS) from primary school.

Statement of Inquiry

Having a plan produces better performances

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria

C, D


  • Combine knowledge, understanding and skills to create products or solutions
  • Practise observing carefully in order to recognize problems

Links to Prior Learning

Pupils build on the personal relationships they built last module with their peers as knowledge and discussions are had for best courses of action going into competitive environments. Pupils are expected to recall and comment on the impact of tactics and/ or strategies in their chosen activity and then plan for success as an individual and/or team.

Statement of Inquiry

We develop by taking risks

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria

B, C


  • Create plans to prepare for summative assessments (examinations and performances)
  • Use appropriate strategies for organising complex information

Links to Prior Learning

Explicit discussions about risk taking in strategies and tactics module last term.
Progressional thinking through inquiry questioning:
When did you have to balance risk as an individual to play strategies and tactics?
When did your risk taking last module have an effect on others around you (team)?
Was this positive or negative?

Statement of Inquiry

Problems need to be solved within certain amounts of time

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria

C, D


  • Apply skills and knowledge in unfamiliar situations
  • Take responsibility for one’s own actions

Links to Prior Learning

Moving on from the balancing risk module, pupil will incorporate ATLs from the previous term to support them in a module with new content. This module has 1-week period where classes will focus on FIRST AID. There will be an explicit link to the global context of TIME for pupils learning basic CPR, the faster you react and engage in first aid the more a person you save, the concept of time surrounding the referral process (e.g. calling for 999).

Statement of Inquiry

Human capability can be developed by refining movement.

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria

A, C


  • Mindfulness awareness – Practice focus and concentration
  • Make unexpected or unusual connections between objects and/or ideas

Links to Prior Learning

Continuing the work completed in module one for personal development, pupils revisit the long term PHE goals they set themselves in module one. They can reflect on where they have made desired progress or not and link previous learning to this new learning, surrounding gross and fine motor skills.

Statement of Inquiry

Decision-making of officials can have a positive and negative effect

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria

C & D – Google Form – reflection on use of technology


  • Interpret and use effectively modes of non-verbal communication
  • Perseverance – Demonstrate persistence and perseverance

Links to Prior Learning

Pupils should apply competent levels of FMS to new sport/ activity and focus heavily on how the sport/ activity is organised/ officiated.
Applying taught skills from MYP 1, Modules 3 & 4.

Statement of Inquiry

The pressure of the environment changes our decision-making

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria

A, C


  • Delegate and share responsibility for decision-making
  • Identify strengths and weaknesses of personal learning strategies (self-assessment)

Links to Prior Learning

Recapping FMS from module 4 last year – Setting SMART targets for short and long term goals and aspiration in chosen activity and beyond

Statement of Inquiry

Changes in the environment affect our choices

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria

C, D


  • Consider personal learning strategies – What can I do to become a more efficient and effective learner? – How can I become more flexible in my choice of learning strategies? – What factors are important for helping me learn well?
  • Consider ethical, cultural and environmental implications

Links to Prior Learning

Further development in FMS and personal development in modules 4 and 1 respectively

Statement of Inquiry

Relationships change based on our lifestyle choices

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria

B, C


  • Plan strategies and take action to achieve personal and academic goals
  • Emotional management – Practice strategies to reduce stress and anxiety

Links to Prior Learning

Introduction to lifestyle choices and how diet and lifestyle could impact performance on the daily, weekly and beyond.

Statement of Inquiry

We develop by monitoring performance

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria

C, D


  • Practise observing carefully in order to recognize problems
  • Give and receive meaningful feedback

Links to Prior Learning

Linking back to SMART targets in module one – how can we measure progress in PHE?

Statement of Inquiry

Pressure changes our decision-making

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria

A, C


  • Delegate and share responsibility for decision-making
  • Identify strengths and weaknesses of personal learning strategies (self-assessment)

Links to Prior Learning

A focus on mental health, observation, analysis, perspectives and outcomes. Linking to HSC content surrounding environmental factors affecting growth and development

Statement of Inquiry

Officials use technology to enhance performance

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria

C & D – Google Form – reflection on use of technology


  • Combine knowledge, understanding and skills to create products or solutions
  • Select and use technology effectively and productively

Links to Prior Learning

Referral systems in sport and physical activity. How can technology be used to review and interpret occurrences to provide clarity surrounding decision-making and technical advancement. Peer and individual assessment of biomechanics and fine motor skills, linking ot knowledge from Y7 and module one y8

Statement of Inquiry

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria


  • Interpret and use effectively modes of non-verbal communication
  • Listen actively to other perspectives and ideas

Links to Prior Learning

Links to year 8 principles of sport and health. Students would have covered topics previously in lessons so will be able to recall key information of the unit/topic.

Statement of Inquiry

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria


  • Consider personal learning strategies – What can I do to become a more efficient and effective learner? – How can I become more flexible in my choice of learning strategies? – What factors are important for helping me learn well?
  • Consider ethical, cultural and environmental implications

Links to Prior Learning

Links to year 8 principles of sport and health. Students would have covered topics previously in lessons so will be able to recall key information of the unit/topic.

Statement of Inquiry

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria


  • Plan strategies and take action to achieve personal and academic goals
  • Emotional management – Practice strategies to reduce stress and anxiety

Links to Prior Learning

Links to year 8 principles of sport and health. Students would have covered topics previously in lessons so will be able to recall key information of the unit/topic.

Statement of Inquiry

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria


  • Practise observing carefully in order to recognize problems
  • Give and receive meaningful feedback

Links to Prior Learning

Links to year 8 principles of sport and health. Students would have covered topics previously in lessons so will be able to recall key information of the unit/topic.

Statement of Inquiry

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria


Links to Prior Learning

Links to year 8 principles of sport and health. Students would have covered topics previously in lessons so will be able to recall key information of the unit/topic.

Statement of Inquiry

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria


  • Combine knowledge, understanding and skills to create products or solutions
  • Select and use technology effectively and productively

Links to Prior Learning

Links to year 8 principles of sport and health. Students would have covered topics previously in lessons so will be able to recall key information of the unit/topic.


Vision Statement

GCSE Physical Education is a very challenging GCSE course requiring very specific skills and abilities. For this reason, we insist on a separate process for access to the qualification. Entry to this course is restricted to those students who have performed at the highest level in Physical Education throughout Key Stage 3 as a performer.

The  term physical education refers to not only to practical elements of the subject but the educational side which comes with it.  By offering GCSE PE we want to be able to recognise the sporting ability of particular students who have committed themselves to developing mastery in their chosen sport. The GCSE aims to allow students to play to their strengths at the same time as gain dynamic theoretical and practical skills for further education or work.

Course Outline/Assessment Methods

Pupils will be assessed in the form of 2 external examinations which both grades combined will contribute to 60% of the overall grade. External exams will be assessed in the following 2 areas:

  • The human body and movement in physical activity and sport
  • Socio-cultural influences and well-being in physical activity and sport

The non-examination assessment will be based on practical performance in three different physical activities in the role of player/performer.

The conditions surrounding sport selection for practical assessment are: One team, one individual and then the third can be either team or individual.

Students will be assessed practically based on the following:

  • Skill progression drills
  • Application of skills to game situation
  • Analysis and evaluation of performance to bring about improvement in one activity.

Linked Sixth Form Courses:

  • Sport Studies
  • Physical Education
  • Biology
  • Applied Science
  • Chemistry
  • Media

Future Course/ Career Opportunities:

  • Psychology
  • Physiotherapy
  • Media
  • Coaching
  • Diet and Fitness instructor
  • Politics

Departmental Performance:

This is a new qualification for the 2023/24 academic year.

KS4: Health and Fitness

Vision Statement

Sport is a subject which provides many opportunities to gain the skills and attributes needed to be success in a number of different disciplines. This can be demonstrated through the involvement within teams and  individual performances, where skills such as commitment are essential to success.

The NCFE in Health and Fitness provides all pupils with the knowledge, skills and understanding of Sport and Fitness so that they can make informed choices of  activities that they will participate in during, and following, their time within the Academy. We believe that physical activity plays a crucial role in the development of young people, and the positive impacts that a healthy lifestyle can have on an individual are not to be underestimated.

With a curriculum that both challenges and stimulates, all pupils that choose to undertake Health and Fitness at Level 2 will enjoy both the academic and practical elements, developing them as well-rounded individuals. We want every child in the local community to be enthused by sport and want to see them all live happier, healthier and longer lives full of success.

Course Outline/Assessment Methods

The main aim of the course is to allow pupils to:

  • enter employment in the sport, leisure and fitness sector, or to progress into higher/further education, or the NCFE Level 3 Sport qualifications and others
  • gain and develop essential skills that are valued by employers and higher and further education institutions.
  • develop knowledge and understanding of the sport, leisure and fitness vocational sector.

Learners will study the following:

  • Understand and identify the main body systems and their functions
  • Understand the Principles of Training and FITT
  • Explore how physical activities effect the body in the short- and long-term
  • Understand how relevant fitness tests can be used for specific health and skill components of fitness
  • Understand different lifestyle analysis tools and how to apply them
  • Create a health and fitness programme.

Pupils will be assessed by completing a synoptic assessment which will contribute to 40% of the overall grade and an external written assessment which will make up the other 60%

Linked Sixth Form Courses:

  • Sport Studies
  • Physical Education
  • Biology
  • Applied Science
  • Chemistry
  • Media

Future Course/ Career Opportunities:

  • Psychology
  • Physiotherapy
  • Media
  • Coaching
  • Diet and Fitness instructor
  • Politics

Departmental Performance:

  • 2022/23: 9-4 = 84%
  • 2021/22: 9-4 = 100%
  • 2020/21: 9- 4 = 100%
  • 2019/20: 9-4 = 80%

KS5: BTEC Sport Studies

Vision Statement

Sport is one of the driving forces in modern society, whether it be the social and economic successes of hosting sporting events such as the Olympics or the scandals of drug in sport, such as Lance Armstrong, sport has a huge impact on every aspect of modern life. The Sports team provides all pupils with the knowledge, skills and understanding of Sport and Fitness so that they can make informed choices of activities that they will participate in during, and following, their time within the Academy. We believe that physical activity plays a crucial role in the development of young people, and the positive impacts that a healthy lifestyle can have on an individual are not to be underestimated.

With a curriculum that both challenges and stimulates, all pupils that choose to undertake Sport at Level 3 will enjoy both the academic and practical elements, developing them as well-rounded individuals. We want every child in the local community to be enthused by sport and want to see them all live happier, healthier and longer lives full of success.

Course Outline/Assessment Methods

In year 12, pupils will undertake two units focussing on the anatomy and physiology of the body, developing their understanding of how the body works and responds to exercise. They will also study methods of fitness testing and health and safety in sport.

In year 13, pupils will participate in a practical sports unit that focuses on either team or individual sports. The unit choice is determined by the size, abilities and interests of the cohort in order to ensure that the learning is tailored towards the individual pupils. They will study psychological aspects of sports performance including aggression, arousal and anxiety, personality and motivation. They will also undertake a personal exercise programme, using facilities at the Hundred of Hoo Leisure Centre in order to develop their knowledge and understanding of their personal fitness and how to develop this further.

Following successful completion of the course pupils will receive the equivalent of one A Level at grade E or above.

Skills for Success:

  • A keen interest in sport
  • Willingness to participate regularly in a variety of sports to ensure they have the practical skills required to incorporate skills into game situations
  • Aware that the course involves written coursework and is not purely practical
  • May wish to combine the subject with biology for further insights

Future Course/ Career Opportunities:

  • Teaching
  • Physiotherapy
  • Fitness instruction
  • Leisure centre attendants
  • Coaching
  • Officiating

Departmental Performance:

  • 2023/24: D*-P = 100%
  • 2022/23: D*-P = 100%
  • 2021/22: D*-P = 100%
  • 2020/21: D*- M = 100%
  • 2019/20: D*-M = 80%