Student Leadership

Head Student

I am Brett, Head Boy at The Hundred of Hoo Academy. I have been studying at HOH for six years. I believe my key qualities are my abilities to communicate effectively through friendly yet formal communication, my strong sense of responsibility, and my ability to express my beliefs in a productive and open-minded manner. My responsibilities as a Head Student go beyond being just a title; I see it as an opportunity to be a role model for all other students in our school. I strive to be a cornerstone of the Hundred of Hoo community, with the ambition of making our academy a place for not just learning but also fostering a sense of community.

My favourite subject in sixth form is Digital Media. I love exploring the psychology behind advertisements and understanding why digital marketing is so effective. I feel it aligns well with my GCSE choices of Creative iMedia and Graphic Design, which provided me with valuable skills to build upon, such as proficiency in Photoshop and the ability to analyse advertisements critically. Outside of school, I am a Japanese language student with an intermediate level of spoken proficiency and the ability to read and write two of the three Japanese alphabets. I aim to live in Japan in the future to teach English to Japanese students. Additionally, I speak some Greek, as we have close family friends who live in Greece. This makes me an open-minded global learner, interested in other cultures and languages, and willing to step out of my comfort zone to embrace new perspectives. I also play the Bouzouki, a type of Greek lute. I picked up this hobby due to my passion for music and my desire to improve my coordination. So far, my coordination has greatly improved, and I am proud of the progress I’ve made.

I believe students should be encouraged to balance their educational productivity with their mental health and life outside of school. While academic success is important, I believe it is even more vital to prioritise mental well-being and achieve a healthy work-life balance. Education is more than just grades; schools should also teach essential life skills that benefit us all. My goal is to be a friendly and approachable presence around the school, someone any student can turn to for support or advice. At the same time, I aim to be an ally to teachers, assisting them with tasks and encouraging open communication between them and their students to ensure the highest level of education is achieved.

A philosophy I live by is that I do not study to get qualifications or to please my teachers or parents. I study hard to take steps toward achieving my dreams. A unique fact about me is that I have Asperger’s syndrome, which, in my opinion, enhances my ability to express my passions and helps me excel in pursuing my goals. I also live with a range of physical and vocal tics, such as head jerks, erratic blinking, and throat clicking. While I cannot control these, they are part of who I am, and I take pride in embracing them. This perspective allows me to move forward with confidence, and I encourage others in similar situations to adopt a mindset of self-acceptance and pride in overcoming challenges.

Head Student

Hi, I’m Mei-Lien, and I’m the Head Girl of the Hundred of Hoo Academy. I’ve been at the Academy since Year Ten, starting here during my GCSEs. When I’m not making art I love reading different books or just finding time to relax between coursework. I’ve always found my passion (and my not-so-funny jokes) driven by creative subjects, so much so that I needed my A Levels to satisfy my craving for something imaginative. I take Literature for its interpretations, 3D Design for developing new skills, and Art for enhancing my current abilities.

Whilst I don’t take part in clubs after school, I love what they offer throughout the year and even during the school day. From singing Christmas carols in December to more freelance music at July’s Summer Concert, I enjoy taking part in musical outlets and utilising my subpar singing skills. All these activities have made me feel organised, motivated, and accountable; they push me to do better, keep on top of things, and inspire not only myself but also my peers to look beyond their preconceived limitations.

I want to use this role to build confidence within the school environment. I want people to enjoy attending school and to let them know they’re not only seen but heard. This vision will grow beyond us as a school; it will extend to our children, our staff, and our wider Hoo community. It will become something made for us, by us, and will uphold the ideals that we, as the Hundred of Hoo, consistently foster.

Deputy Head Student

Hello, I am Christopher, and I am one of the Deputy Head Students at the Hundred of Hoo Academy for the 2024–2025 academic year. I have been attending the school since Year 7 in 2018. I am a dedicated, highly motivated, and logical student. This allows me to be practical and pragmatic when finding realistic solutions to problems. Through my involvement in various Student Leadership groups, I have developed essential skills in communication, teamwork, discussion, and leadership to help achieve shared goals.

My A-Level studies include Physics, Mathematics, and History, subjects I chose to become a broader-minded and well-rounded individual while pursuing my ambitions. After Sixth Form, I intend to attend university to study Physics, with the goal of becoming an academic and researcher in my future career. In these subjects, I have earned several academic awards and achieved high grades at both GCSE and AS Level.

Outside of school, I practice Jiu Jitsu, in which I hold a Black Belt and instruct others on improving their skills. I am also an avid chess enthusiast, both playing and watching the game. These activities allow me to develop discipline, patience, and a methodical way of thinking. Additionally, I dedicate some of my spare time to learning other languages, such as Welsh and German, to expand my knowledge and become more globally minded—aligning with our school’s motto of being “more than just educated.”

As a member of the Head Student team, I aim to work with my peers to achieve our goals for the student body. I intend to strengthen the relationships between students and staff while expanding opportunities for students to take on leadership roles. I also hope to encourage the growth of existing Student Leadership positions and inspire others to step into these responsibilities.

The attitude I bring to all my efforts is: “If a task is worth doing, it is worth doing correctly.” The message I live by in all of my pursuits is: “I can ask no more than your best—and will accept nothing less.”

Deputy Head Student

Hi everyone! My name is Ember, and I am one of the Deputy Head Students at the Academy. I’ve been at Hoo for seven years now, so I bring a wealth of experience to the Student Leadership Team.

I am pleased to be in this position as I value communication and cohesiveness within our community. I am excited to foster a sense of pride in our Academy. I look forward to working with the student leadership and prefect teams to bring you all the best schooling experiences we can offer. I will always bring a positive, hardworking attitude to the teams I’m part of and aim to represent the student body to the best of my ability. Having been described as responsible and dedicated, I strive to bring these qualities to any challenges I may face.

My favourite subject is definitely History. I love learning about the Tudors, especially, and applying my knowledge wherever I can. My key academic achievements include my successful GCSE results—I’ve always been dedicated to my studies, and I look forward to what I can achieve in my final year of A-levels.

I am also currently an EWPA—an Emotional Wellbeing Peer Ambassador—where I strive to support students who need a little extra advice or someone to talk to. It’s a role I take pride in, especially as I aspire to pursue a Psychology degree in the future. My most notable commitment outside of Sixth Form is my cadet career in the RAFAC, which has been one of my most exciting experiences. It’s where I learned to be confident in myself and my abilities and to be a successful leader—skills I am excited to bring to the Leadership Team.

My favourite hobby is reading. I always love to sit with a book when I have a spare few minutes—something that is becoming rarer as A-levels go on! This hobby has been fundamental to my problem-solving and creativity, allowing me to suggest alternative ideas to any problem I face.

As Deputy Head Student, I hope to provide support for anyone who needs it. One of my main ideas is to implement mentorship programmes, as I’ve seen the positive impact development initiatives like peer reading can have.

The philosophy I live by is to challenge yourself every day. Step out of your comfort zone, try something new, and be adventurous. The amount of wonder each of us can achieve, even with small changes, is incredible.

And because I haven’t talked about myself enough, here’s a fun fact about me: my favourite Tudor monarch is Elizabeth I. I even wrote my history coursework about Queen Elizabeth and her ferret.