Pupil Premium Statement 2021-22 (Secondary & Post-16)

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This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium (and recovery premium for the 2022 to 2023 academic year) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils. 

It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the effect that last year’s spending of pupil premium had within our school.

School overview

School name

Hundred of Hoo Academy

Number of pupils in school


Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils


Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers (3 year plans are recommended)


Date this statement was published

December 2021

Date on which it will be reviewed

July 2022

Statement authorised by

Carl Guerin-Hassett, Principal

Pupil premium lead

Jenny Fissenden, Vice Principal
Michelle Whyte, Assistant Principal

Governor / Trustee lead

David Craggs
Keith Morrison

Funding overview



Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year


Recovery premium funding allocation this academic year


Pupil premium funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable)


Total budget for this academic year

If your school is an academy in a trust that pools this funding, state the amount available to your school this academic year


part a: pupil premium strategy plan

statement of intent

As an Academy we are committed to ensuring we continue to provide all pupils with a well constructed, appropriately broad, balanced and rich curriculum that allows pupils to acquire the skills and knowledge they need to be successful in their future chosen paths. Our academy teaching staff are dedicated to being highly effective practitioners who ensure they have expert knowledge of both their subject and pedagogy which will enable them to implement our exceptional curriculum. To complement our curriculum and ensure that all pupils have the support and intervention they need post two extended periods of remote learning we have developed a clear Post COVID-19 Closure Strategy.

High-quality teaching is central to our strategy. This is proven to have the greatest impact on closing the disadvantage attainment gap and at the same time will benefit all pupils in our school. To continue to maintain our excellent teaching standards we are committed to providing our staff body with high quality professional development, this will mean that our disadvantaged pupils are in receipt of consistent highly effective teaching and we are ambitious with raising the proportion of teachers who are highly effective to being a significant proportion. This will ensure that disadvantaged pupils have access to consistently high quality teaching across all subjects. Highly effective practitioners will incorporate appropriately differentiated approaches suited to each individuals’ learning needs and support pupils with making at least good progress and to ensure they are in line with their peers.

Regardless of each pupils’ ability, background or personal circumstances we will ensure that all pupils make at least good progress and diminish differences in their attainment. We will continue to consider the challenges faced by vulnerable pupils, such as low self-esteem, resilience and well-being, including the impact of COVID-19, and ensure that they have appropriate and structured support to be able to become confident and well-rounded young people overcoming these difficulties. Our Academy has an inclusive culture and the activities we have outlined in this statement are intended to support all pupil needs, disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged to raise outcomes, aspirations and improve life chances for all. We will look to ensure our disadvantaged pupils have high aspirations and are supported in those aspirations with quality advice and guidance on how to achieve those aspirations and how their educational goals need to align with those, so they have all the tools and resources they need to be successful.

Our strategy is also integral to wider school plans for education recovery, notably in its targeted support through the National Tutoring Programme for pupils whose education has been worst affected, including non-disadvantaged pupils. In relation to this, we recognise the impact that Covid has also had on attendance as a whole, and part of our strategy addresses how we can help improve attendance to be back to pre-Covid levels, as well as be more inline with non-disadvantaged pupils.

Our approach will be responsive to common challenges and individual needs, rooted in robust diagnostic assessment, not assumptions about the impact of disadvantage. These can be identified using:

  • regular and robust assessment of pupils
  • high quality and consistent monitoring and observation of teaching and pupils’ work
  • qualitative and quantitative feedback from pupils, parents, other professionals and teachers
  • regular analysis and evaluation of attendance and behaviour data


This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.

Challenge number

Detail of challenge


Low Attendance

  • The attendance of our most disadvantaged remains below our non-disadvantaged pupils.
  • 2020/21 attendance for disadvantaged pupils was 88.4% compared to 93.5% for their non-disadvantaged peers.
  • Persistent absence was 39.4% for disadvantaged pupils, with a significant proportion of this being girls.
  • In Term 1, disadvantaged pupils’ attendance was 88.6%, compared to an overall 91.9% or 92.7% for non-disadvantaged.
  • Low attendance leads to gaps in learning and knowledge and ultimately will impact the progress and attainment of disadvantaged pupils.


Literacy Levels

Assessments, observations and discussion with KS3 pupils indicate that disadvantaged pupils generally have lower levels of reading comprehension and literacy levels than peers. This impacts their progress in all subjects.

On entry to Year 7 this year, disadvantaged pupils have an average reading age of 9.67 compared to non-disadvantaged of 10.11. This limits our disadvantaged pupils’ understanding of texts in lessons, which can limit their progress and understanding.


Mental Health

Disadvantaged pupils struggle more to maintain their positive mental health and achieve high self-esteem. These challenges particularly affect disadvantaged pupils attainment and progress as it impacts their attitude towards school as well as their behaviour. This has been particularly exacerbated by Covid lockdowns where pupils have struggled with the lack of social interaction, regular routines and structures, and reduced access to support services and resources.


Gaps in knowledge developed from the Covid-19 pandemic.

Our disadvantaged pupils had the lowest engagement with learning during lockdown, despite support offered in terms of resources and hub places. Our assessments and observations with students and families suggest that the education and wellbeing of many of our disadvantaged students have been impacted by partial academy closures to a greater extent than for other students. These findings are backed up by several national studies. This has resulted in significant knowledge gaps resulting in students falling further behind age-related expectations, especially in maths and English. EEF research into the impact of Covid lockdowns on disadvantaged pupils evidenced that the gap has widened between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged.



The behaviour of our disadvantaged pupils is more challenging in comparison to non-disadvantaged pupils. Negative points and sanctions are rewarded more regularly to disadvantaged pupils. This has multiple consequences:

  • Pupils disengage with school and their behaviour for learning can become poor, which leads to low focus in lessons and therefore limits progress
  • Pupils miss learning time due to sanctions given. This then leads to further gaps in learning and sometimes makes it difficult for them to return to the classroom


Our disadvantaged pupils have lower aspirations than our non-disadvantaged pupils. As a result, pupils’ engagement in learning is impacted as some disadvantaged pupils do not see the value in academic focus or do not have a post-school plan.

Our 2021 Year 12 cohort has only 14% disadvantaged pupils, whereas our main school body has 23% disadvantaged. This suggests we have a significant number who do not remain in further education with us.

Intended outcomes

This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.

Intended Outcome

Success Criteria

To ensure that all PP pupils have access to high quality teaching and learning Ensure all pupils including PP and disadvantaged students are in receipt of highly effective teaching and never less than effective teaching practice Evidence argues that high quality teaching is the most important factor in ensuring the best possible outcomes for pupils

Disadvantaged pupils to be in receipt of a highly effective and highly effective teaching. This will ensure that disadvantaged pupils have access to high quality teaching which will be differentiated to their learning needs and support pupils with making progress which is at least in line with their peers. This will also be monitored by regular enquiry walks of those classes with the highest percentage of disadvantaged pupils.

Overall teaching practice to be 100% effective, with 40% highly effective so that all pupils have access to quality teaching.

Increase attainment and progress of disadvantaged students to be inline with non-disadvantaged peers

Attainment and progress gaps between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged students are non-existent. By the end of our current plan in 2024/25, the gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged students will be eradicated.

  • Raise A8 to 42
  • P8 to 0.1+
  • Average MYP score to be 3.5 or above for all subjects

Improved reading comprehension and literacy levels among disadvantaged pupils across KS3 and KS4.

Reading comprehension tests demonstrate improved comprehension skills among disadvantaged pupils and a smaller disparity between the scores of disadvantaged pupils and their non-disadvantaged peers.

Quality assessment and scrutiny of books as per Academy demonstrate an increased focus on literacy across the Academy and pupils show progress due to this intervention.

To achieve and sustain improved attendance for all pupils, particularly our disadvantaged pupils.

To continue to raise attendance towards the national average and reduce the percentage of pupils classified as persistent absence (especially those that are disadvantaged).

The participation for enrichment, trips and visits for disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged students are proportionately in line with each other.

To achieve and sustain improved wellbeing for all pupils, including those who are disadvantaged.

Sustained high levels of wellbeing from 2024/25 demonstrated by:

  • Lower persistent absence due to anxiety
  • Qualitative data from student voice, student and parent surveys and teacher observations.
  • A significant increase in participation in enrichment activities, particularly among disadvantaged pupils.

To achieve and sustain improved attendance for all pupils, particularly our disadvantaged pupils.

To continue to raise attendance towards the national average and reduce the percentage of pupils classified as persistent absence (especially those that are disadvantaged).

  • Disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged student detentions for lack of equipment are proportionately in line with each other.
  • Disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged detentions for lack of homework are proportionately in line with each other
  • The participation for enrichment, trips and visits for disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged students are proportionately in line with each other.

Activity in this academic year

This details how we intend to spend our pupil premium (and recovery premium funding) this academic year to address the challenges listed above.

Teaching (for example, CPD, recruitment and retention)

Budgeted cost: £171,000


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Quality assurance of teaching staff mapped for groups with a high proportion of disadvantaged pupils to take place prior to timetables for the new academic year being finalised and adjustments made where necessary and possible

Teaching staff to attend regular CPD, delivered from the Academy as well as across trust sessions, to support understanding of the latest evidence in terms of teaching and learning.

Teaching staff to receive regular CPD as part of the Teaching Walktrhus programme, with each teaching staff member also receiving the books which accompany the programme. This programme provides them with evidenced led strategies to embed in their practice to ensure pupils reach optimum progress.

Teaching staff to receive regular enquiry walks with critical feedback which will be evidenced on OnTrack throughout the year, with a focus on the progress of disadvantaged pupils within their classes.

Evidence argues that high quality teaching is the most important factor in ensuring the best possible outcomes for pupils

To continue to raise standards in teaching with teaching practice with regular, well-planned and evidence driven CPD as ‘effective professional development (PD) plays a crucial role in improving classroom practice and pupil outcomes’


2, 4 & 5

Smaller class settings, particularly in Mathematics and English. A number of smaller classes, of the size of 10-15 pupils, so that more individualised support can be given to pupils and to minimise distractions in the classroom.

Evidence is mixed on reduction of class size, and argues that this is more effective when reduced to less than 15, which is why there are a selection of smaller classes across the Academy to help disadvantaged and SEN pupils ensure they are getting more individualised and focused support. https://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/education-evidence/teaching-learning-toolkit/reducing-class-size

2, 4 & 5

Homework intervention:

Homework Club is run four afternoons a week after school, to help pupils with the completion of home based assignments or support with Knowledge Organiser revision activities. DOPs and form tutors to monitor pupils’ homework detentions and rather than students sit excessive detentions, students will be issued a series of homework intervention sessions that they need to attend to complete homework regularly and on time. This is also reliant on good communication with home from the DOP/FT.

Evidence argues that quality homework which is linked to classroom learning, completed in a quiet and supportive environment can add 5 months to progress. This will give PP pupils the opportunity to make progress in line with their peers. It will also help reduce excessive sanctions for PP pupils, which can limit their enthusiasm for school and have an impact on their behaviour and attitude, therefore creating a more positive approach to learning.

Education Endowment Fund- Homework

4 & 5

Improving literacy across the whole academy, with a focus across every subject including pastoral time. To improve disadvantaged pupils’ literacy skills by putting in place interventions that improve reading and vocabulary ages to be more inline with peers and age expected. These interventions include, but are not limited to, the implementation of MyOn and Accelerated Reader, as well as targeted intervention sessions for reading, comprehension and handwriting.

See Literacy strategy. HOH Literacy Policy 2021/2022

Acquiring disciplinary literacy is key for students as they learn new, more complex concepts in each subject. Strategies towards improving literacy need to be across the whole curriculum and adapted to suit curriculum needs and ensure pupils are able to understand and utilise the subject specific vocabulary. This is done through CPD to ensure all teachers understand how to teach effective use of literacy in their subjects:

Improving Literacy in Secondary Schools

Reading comprehension, vocabulary and other literacy skills are heavily linked with attainment in maths and English: word-gap.pdf (oup.com.cn)


To utilise NTP to support pupils close gaps, which have been exacerbated due to COVID. Engaging with the National Tutoring Programme to provide a blend of tuition, mentoring and school-led tutoring for pupils whose education has been most impacted by the pandemic. A significant proportion of the pupils who receive tutoring will be disadvantaged, including those who are high attainers. 3-1 intervention for KS3 in CORE subjects, and 1-1 intervention for KS4.

Tutoring can add up to 5 months of learning to pupils (EEF). 3-1 and 1-1 tutoring offered to disadvantaged pupils where the gap is most significant. This will address the core gaps that pupils have, which have been exacerbated by Covid. There will be a particular focus on English and Mathematics so that gaps in literacy and numeracy are addressed.


Targeted academic support (for example, tutoring, one-to-one support structured interventions)

Budgeted cost: £125,725


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

College leaders will monitor and track attendance and meet with parents where there is low attendance to help support pupils and work with families to increase attendance and therefore access more lessons and make more progress.

To use Attendance Services Medway to follow up persistent absence with the LA. This service will be used consistently with the Attendance Officer in order to drive standards in raising attendance.

The EEF states that spending of PP budget on attendance and barriers to good attendance is ‘vital’ in terms of boosting attainment and outcomes, especially due to lost time from Covid.

1 & 4

To launch ‘Hoo Aspire’, a comprehensive plan to raise aspirations of our disadvantaged pupils so that they are aware of the choices they have in terms of careers and have high aspirations for when they leave the Academy. Establish a high quality and effective careers advice programme, so disadvantaged pupils are aware of what academic qualifications they need to achieve their aspirations

The Education Endowment Fund published a report that found that disadvantaged pupils often have high aspirations for themselves, but are unclear on how to access these options and what academic qualifications they need. Education goals do not always match their aspirations, and therefore careers’ advice is critical in focusing disadvantaged pupils.



Mentoring Programme:

To support pupils to improve their mental health by creating positive attitudes and building self-esteem. Helping pupils to manage the stresses in their lives, inside and outside of the Academy. Students can be referred to the Mentoring team for additional support.

Social Skills Programme:

To support pupils in building healthy and positive relationships with others to help reduce relationship issues with others, reduce tension, help pupils manage conflict and promote positive relationships which will in turn improve mental health.

The programmes are varied depending on the needs of the individual child.

As a result of improving the mental health, self esteem and social skills of disadvantaged pupils there will be an impact on:

  • Behaviour will improve which will reduce challenging behaviours and therefore inclusion and exclusion time, which will enable pupils to access more consistent learning time (see above for attendance)
  • Attitude to learning and to the school environment will improve which will lead to better outcomes for the pupil, which can add up to 4 months learning time.


Disadvantaged students to be able to access education resources such as revision books, texts to support learning and educational workshops inline with non-disadvantaged peers. Staff can apply for funding for resources, materials, educational trips, tutoring or anything that is course related that will support engagement and progress. Disadvantaged pupils to have access to educational resources despite economic capital restraints. As a result, pupils will be better prepared for exams and engage better with content of lessons and therefore make better progress and achieve results closer in line with peers.

While there is limited evidence on the direct impact of ensuring pupils have the correct resources on attainment and progress, we know that for pupils to be able to engage in education and have the same opportunities as their peers, disadvantaged pupils do need support with purchasing items.. As a result, pupils will be better prepared for exams and engage better with content of lessons and therefore make better progress and achieve results closer in line with peers. As a result, there should be a smaller gap in P8 with peers.


part b: review of outcomes in the previous academic year

pupil premium strategy outcomes

This details the impact that our pupil premium activity had on pupils in the 2020 to 2021 academic year.

  • The Mentoring programme is now well embedded and many pupils have benefited from the mental health support, as well as the skills they have gained from social skills workshops. This has had an impact on pupils’ attitudes towards school, as well as attendance, which has been a constant challenge due to Covid impacts.
  • Despite the challenges of Covid, P8 scores for disadvantaged pupils are still higher than the last exam results year of 2019. This is despite the challenges of engagement and attendance for disadvantaged pupils. TAG results show that disadvantaged pupils are closer to making positive levels of progress, moving from -0.2 in the last exam year of 2019, to -0.14 this year.
  • Achievement at Grade 5+ has increased since the last exams of 2019, going from 20% to 29%. This is as a result of high effective and highly effective teaching, which has enabled pupils to make rapid progress and bridge gaps once back in the Academy.
  • The average A8 score has improved for disadvantaged pupils from 2019 to 2021, despite challenges from Covid and lack of learning time.
  • Analysis of current Year 11 pupils show that gaps are being narrowed and quality interventions are being put in place for those where there are significant gaps.
  • Whole school roll-out of Chromebooks for every pupil has been successful, and there is a specific digital strategy to monitor how this is utilised in lessons. This has enabled pupils to have access to a device outside the Academy too, which has increased disadvantaged pupils’ ability to engage with learning when not in the Academy.
  • As part of our Digital Strategy staff have received a significant amount of CPD to ensure they are using the most effective digital strategies with pupils. Our Teachers have all completed the Google Level 1 Qualification and a large number have continued their training towards Level 2. Providing all pupils with a chromebook has meant that our disadvantaged pupils are able to access this high quality teaching in and out of the classroom. Teachers have been able to provide more resources to pupils to access at home, including pre-recorded videos and tutorials. This has significantly removed barriers to our disadvantaged pupils. In addition to the chromebooks, we supported some families with internet access.
  • It has also allowed for high quality work to be set when remote learning has been necessary or staff absence. Access to Google Classrooms has been essential over the last year and has helped prevent significant gaps forming by providing a platform for teachers to teach pupils ‘live’ and provide feedback to pupils directly.