Pupil Premium Statement 2021-22 (Primary)

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This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium (and recovery premium for the 2022 to 2023 academic year) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils. 

It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the effect that last year’s spending of pupil premium had within our school.

School overview

School name

Hundred of Hoo Primary Academy

Number of pupils in school


Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils


Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers (3 year plans are recommended)


Date this statement was published

September 2021

Date on which it will be reviewed

September 2022

Statement authorised by

Mike Etheridge

Pupil premium lead

Mike Etheridge

Governor / Trustee lead

David Craggs
Keith Morrison

Funding overview



Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year


strategy aims for disadvantaged pupils



Target date

Progress in reading

Achieve positive progress scores in KS2 Reading

July 2022

Progress in writing

Achieve positive progress scores in KS2 Writing

July 2022

Progress in mathematics

Achieve positive progress score in KS2 Mathematics

July 2022


Achieve parity with non-disadvantaged pupils with an aim of 90% pass rate

June 2022


A good proportion of children to meet the expected standard in the Year 4 Multiplication check

June 2022

Teaching priorities for current academic year



Priority 1

Ensure that staff have a working knowledge of the impact of oracy and phonetic pedagogical underpinnings to reduce gaps in reading and writing and across the further curriculum.

Priority 2

Ensure that all staff have a sound understanding of cognitive load theory and are employing key strategies that are conducive to effective instruction.

Barriers to learning these priorities address

Ensuring that all staff have a clear, evidence-based strategy and understanding of class-based intervention as part of normal classroom practice.

Projected spending


Targeted academic support for current academic year



Priority 1

Provide tutoring for Key stage 2 pupils in both maths and reading to ensure that the gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged pupils is diminished.

Priority 2

Organise and implement interventions for phonics (through NELI and additional catch-up sessions) and Mathematics as well as encouraging parents to attend regular workshops to support learning at home.

Barriers to learning these priorities address

Parental engagement and home-learning for disadvantaged pupils has been historically poorer than that of non-disadvantaged pupils. Access to home-learning resources and devices.

Projected spending


Wider strategies for current academic year



Priority 1

Ensure that disadvantaged children have access to ELSA support, yoga therapy (as part of our tiered therapeutic approach), counselling services, breakfast club and access to after-school clubs, trips and visits in order to increase readiness for learning and develop cultural capital allowing them to access the breadth of the curriculum.

Priority 2

Enroll pupils in the ‘Children’s University’ scheme to raise aspirations.

Barriers to learning these priorities address

Improving attendance and readiness to learn for the most disadvantaged pupils and raising aspirations of and for disadvantaged pupils.

Projected spending


Monitoring and implementation



Mitigating action


Ensuring that teachers, LSAs and HLTAs have sufficient time to attend relevant CPD sessions, reflect on their own practice and implement new knowledge in order to improve quality of education.

Use of directed time revised to ensure that briefings are used as CPD sessions, continued use of IRIS as a CPD tool for all staff and access to National College and Chartered College as CPD resources.

Targeted support

Quality of interventions delivered by LSAs has historically not been effective or impactful.

Simultaneously develop the subject knowledge and pedagogical knowledge of LSAs whilst employing high-quality tutors to deliver tutoring.

Wider strategies

Parental engagement and intrinsic motivation of pupils has not been as strong as it could be. The impact of Covid-19 on the mental health of young people and the domestic situations many of our most disadvantaged pupils.

Providing a tiered therapeutic approach to intervention as well as providing opportunities for pupils to access experiences. These allow them to be ready to reach the widest arcs of the zone of proximal development academically and raise aspirations for themselves.