Geography Curriculum

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At The Hundred of Hoo Academy, we want every child to be happy and enthusiastic learners of Geography, and to be eager to achieve their very best in order to fulfil their considerable potential. We firmly believe that the recipe for success is high quality first-wave teaching in Geography, which is central to the life of our happy, caring academy.

Our principal aim is that children leave The Hundred of Hoo Primary Academy with a greater understanding and knowledge of the world, as well as their place in it, by a well designed curriculum driven through PYP-friendly vehicles that enhance a child’s awareness of their own abilities and strengths as a learner; thus ensuring that children see learning in Geography as an ongoing process not a one-off event and a subject that develops knowledge and skills which are transferable, problem-solving and that promotes their spiritual, moral and cultural development. We intend to inspire a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people which will remain with our pupils for the rest of their lives, best equipping them for further education and life as well as understanding how British Values relate to Geography. Children meet the National Curriculum expectations in Geography, which will be taught by highly-qualified, enthusiastic staff who will support children to develop mastery of concepts and inspire enthusiasm and interest in the subject.

Scheme of Learning

Our PYP approach is underscored by the National Curriculum. It allows for appropriate sequencing and aims to secure long-term memory as well as the enjoyment of learning a geography. The progression of skills in geography is mapped on the links below.

The development of children’s understanding of Geography and associated skills are taught through a range of vehicles whilst the children progress through the schools. The high quality learning of Geography is intertwined into their everyday learning around their Central Idea and Lines of Inquiry, which has been carefully designed, with clearly defined end goals and outcomes to ensure consistency and progress for all learners. Geographical knowledge and skills are progressive and sequenced to deepen their growing knowledge about the world.

Children will have opportunities to expand their learning through high quality experiences, within the school, (talks, experts and events) and externally (visits, fieldwork and expertise training), to help gain geographical knowledge and understanding of the areas they are studying as well as understanding of the wider world including careers. Using strategically selected current and past scientists, geographers and explorers, helps deepen their knowledge and explore different sources of information and vocabulary. The Subject leader will meet the senior Leadership team and representatives from the trust to ensure that the teaching in Geography is highly effective across the academy and where necessary, staff will receive coaching and training in the delivery of Geography. This high quality teaching will respond to the needs of the learners through formative and summative assessment with teachers actively responding to  learning, understanding and live marking work in lessons in order to identify misconceptions early. An assessment grid (the foundation subject assessment) is used to formally record an overview of progress of children in each class.


Each lesson will include live marking (as per the Marking and Feedback Policy). Books will be marked fortnightly following the Marking and Feedback Policy. Homework is not formally set in geography, but children are encouraged to take part in enrichment opportunities such as visiting different counties, using compasses on fieldwork and making effective use of academy grounds.

High quality teaching responds to the needs of children. Spiral learning is a key focus of all formative and summative assessment with teachers actively marking work in lessons in order to identify misconceptions early. An assessment grid (the foundation skills assessment) is used to formally record an overview of progress of each child.

Cultural Capital

Children will learn about (and make visits to) areas of significant geographical interest. In addition, they will learn about famous geographers such as William Morris Davis and the knowledge about physical geography that Sir David Attenborough has shared through his work.

Children of all abilities and backgrounds achieve well in Geography reflected in exceptional progress that reveals a clear learning journey. The children are engaged in high quality lessons  which provide the learners with a thorough grasp of geographical understanding and knowledge as well as its associated skills.

 They are eager to talk about their learning in Geography and further their learning in the next stages of their education. Children can make clear links across the curriculum and  the IB PYP framework to develop well rounded pupils. They understand they are part of a global community and that they are called to look after and protect the world given to them. They experience a wide range of high quality and well mapped learning, with a proven track record of deepening learning, that enriches their lives – delivered through local, national and international context – a range of challenges within the subject and a deepened appreciation of how British Values can celebrate differences across the community. Through wider reading, in Geography,  including Horrible Geography; BBC bitesize; National Geographic; BBC news along with a range of library books tailored to children’s reading ages,  children develop an understanding of real world examples of: floods; earthquakes etc within their lifetime.