Category Archives: News

LAT Summer Newsletter 2023

Click here to view the LAT Summer Newsletter 2023

16-19 Bursary 2023/2024

Dear Parents/Carers, RE. 16-19 Bursary 2023/2024 Students who are facing a significant financial barrier to [...]

Leigh Academies Trust Visual Arts Competition

Leigh Academies Trust is excited to announce the launch of the cross-trust Visual Arts competition.  [...]

Mental Health Awareness Week

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week. It is also exam week for many children [...]

LAT Easter Newsletter 2023

Click here to view the LAT Easter Newsletter 2023

Kelly Tolhurst, MP’s response to Year 8 letters

Year 8 pupils have been studying a book called Stone Cold that explores the issues [...]

Caleb, Year 8: South East England Basketball Success

We would like to share a massive congratulations to Caleb in Year 8 for his [...]

Rock of Ages tickets

Our secondary and post-16 phases are performing Rock of Ages on the 8th, 9th and [...]


Our Library has had a significant revamp over the past year, and is now fully [...]

The Hundred of Hoo PE Department wins the Secondary School of the Year!

We are Winners! We are so proud to say that The Hundred of Hoo PE [...]